~~META: title = About &abstract = The Institute for Belarusian Discource and Content (BelDisco) is a group of researchers and educators from public institutions across the world who study, use or propagate content in Belarusian language or related to Belarus. ~~ The Belarusan Discourse and Content Institute (BelDisco) is an unfunded working group of scientists, researchers and educators from public institutions all across the world who study, use or propagate materials (content) and communication (discourse) in Belarusian language, related to the Belarusian language or to Belarus. It started informally as the Belarusan circle at the [[https://www.ens.fr/|ENS in Paris]] and has been meeting since 2010. Our goal is to record and make openly accessible Belarusan and Belarus-related research content. We believe that providing a curated directory of such samples will save researchers time, money and effort and provide better service to international and Belarusian public. To document Belarusian content and discourses, we: * develop and maintain the content of this site; * host and comment on [[standards-dics|standards]], [[anthologies|anthologies]] and bibliographies; * publish, index them through modern, sustainable publishing models; * publish [[articles|articles]], thematic book series and individual volumes; * organize presentations and training sessions. The Institute for Belarusan Discourse and Content is active in the research domains relating to Slavic languages and the Belarusian, the history of Belarus, Belarusian literature, Belarusan arts and, in a transversal way, to all the forms and content produced by the Belarusian cultural and civilizational space and conveyed by its discourse. The board meets regularly to discuss strategical and operational issues. [[/feed.xml|Subscribe to our news feed]] (RSS) to learn about upcoming events. Should you need to come in contact, please [[adresse@bidon.fr|write to us]]. ===== Our officers =====

Marie Martins


Researcher, Department of Language Sciences,
Université Paris Nanterre, UFR PhILLiA

Maxime Seveleu-Dubrovnik


Researcher, Department of Linguistics
Federative Institute for Advanced Study

Ryhor Shelest

Content officer

Methodist, Institute for Advanced Qualification and Retraining
Belarusian State Pedagogical University

Elena Ivanova


Writer-Editor, Young Voices of Siberia
Novosibirsk Center for the Belarusian Culture

===== About the site ===== This site launched in 2016, and was redesigned in 2022 with volunteers from BelDisco and student work facilitated by [[https://vk.com/ncbkcentr|Elena Ivanova]] to make it more accessible in modern browsers. BelDisco is built with [[https://jekyllrb.com/|Jekyll]] and is hosted by the [[https://github.com/discoinstitute/bel.disco.institute|OARC]] Institutional Facilities. We intentionally maintain the two legitimate adjectives Belarusian and Belarusan throughout the website. We are continuing to improve the site and [[adresse@bidon.fr|welcome your feedback]].